Whimsical Cookery is a site for adults who prefer to eat like children, or perhaps just need to cook for some children. This site contains an aversion to vegetables, a love of fried food and cupcakes, lazy shortcuts, some disturbing creations, and an ignorance of proper culinary practices...

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Easy Cookies n Cream Cupcakes

These cupcakes are perfect for when you are low on time but want to make something a little different.  The only extra step is crushing the oreos.  Simple!

You will need:
1 sleeve (approx 150g) oreo cookies/chocolate and cream sandwich biscuits
1 recipe vanilla cake batter yielding 24 cupcakes, prepared
500ml whipping cream (whipped)
4 Tbsp icing sugar

1. Take 3-4 sandwich cookies and remove the cream from the center.  Crush the cookie halves into a fine dust and set aside.

2. Crush the remaining cookies into medium sized pieces.  Mix these pieces into the prepared cake batter.

3. Finish preparing cupcakes according to recipe instructions.

4. For the topping, combine whipping cream and icing sugar in a bowl, using an electric mixer (or impressive arm muscles and a whisk) to whip the whipping cream until light and fluffy.  ALTERNATIVE: Top with Cool Whip.

5. Frost cupcakes and sprinkle with finely-crushed oreos.

Note: Be sure to store cupcakes in refrigerator once 'frosted' with the cream.  Alternatively, store cupcakes and add topping before serving.